February Newsletter is now available!
February Newsletter is now available!
The following is a list of regularly occurring events in the life of our congregation. You are welcome to participate! Call the church office for more information at 574-294-3823 or click on the latest Newsletter link above.
Please click on the links below to find out more about…
- the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA): www.elca.org
- the Indiana-Kentucky Synod: www.iksynod.org
- Living Lutheran: www.livinglutheran.org
- the Women of the ELCA (WELCA): www.womenoftheelca.org
- Lutheran Men in Mission: www.lutheranmeninmission.org
- Lutheran World Relief: www.lwr.org
- Lutheran World Hunger: http://www.elca.org/hunger
- Lutheran World Federation: http://www.lutheranworld.org
- Pathways Retreat: http://www.pathwaysretreat.org
- Faith+Lead: https://faithlead.org
God Pause Daily devotions from Luther Seminary:
Download daily prayer podcasts from 'Pray as you go':
Several prayer links you may enjoy:
To read the texts for Sunday Worship at: http://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu
Click on the Season and then the Date you'd like to read. We are currently in Year B.