March Newsletter is now available!
March Newsletter is now available!
Sunday Mornings:
Worship is our joyful and grateful response to the grace and love of God shown to us in Jesus Christ. We gather at 11AM on Sundays for the Service of Word as well as the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Our goal is to experience God's love for all people.
We employ a variety of traditions, resources, and music styles for worship, while seeking to be faithful to our Lutheran heritage. We are excited to be using the Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the hymnal and worship resource of the ELCA, and the newest worship resource, All Creation Sings.
The organ and piano lead worship along with soloists and small choral groups for festivals.
The people of our parish take an active role in worship, serving as greeters, ushers, lectors, assisting ministers, and communion assistants. We have a children's sermon on Sunday for our younger children, and many of our youth are active as servers, as well as fulfilling many of the roles in worship that our adults do.
Our congregation is welcoming, and we look forward to having you join us as together we offer our praise and thanks to God for all God's blessings.
Our services are recorded and livestreamed on Facebook.
Other Worship Opportunities:
Click on the most recent Newsletter for information regarding...
We offer a number of opportunities to grow in knowledge, understanding, and faith.
The following classes and book studies are offered:
Please call the office for more information at 574-294-3823.